I’m dr. Jip J. Dekker, a problem solver using optimization technologies.
I’m a computer scientist at Monash University specializing in optimization and devoted to developing cutting-edge tools and modelling languages that simplify the process of solving complex problems. With a passion for advancing the field, I contribute to the optimization field, enhancing its efficiency, and facilitating its practical application.
Building from a foundation in constraint programming, I have gained experience in Boolean satisfiability, mathematical modelling, local search, various hybrid method. With the wide range of optimization technologies at my fingertips, it enables me to approach optimization challenges from many angles. This allows me to facilitate the creation of innovative software solutions that streamline the formulation, solution, and analysis of optimization problems.
At the heart of my work is a commitment to making optimization more accessible and user-friendly. By developing intuitive tools and modelling languages, I want to empower researchers, practitioners, and anyone willing to learn to effectively address complex optimization challenges across a wide range of domains. I hope that my work not only enhances the effectiveness of optimization technologies, but also fosters innovation and improvements in other industries.
When I’m not solving optimization problems, I love bird watching, music, and cycling. The beauty of the avian world has captivated me ever since I moved to Australia. Music brings me solace. I’m always looking for new songs with interesting melodies or striking lyrics. Cycling always gives me a sense of freedom. You find the most wonderful places, if you stray from the beaten track even slightly. These pursuits bring me joy and inspiration.