From my brain to your computer

Over the years, I have dedicated myself to many projects, big and small. The following projects are the ones where I feel I had the most impact. They are open-source, providing you with the opportunity to explore them. If you come across something that catches your interest, I encourage you to dive in. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to collaborate on their development.

  • MiniZinc

    A constraint modelling language for almost all types of optimization solvers.

  • Shackle

    The next generation of constraint model rewriting tooling.

  • Huub

    A fast Lazy Clause Generation (LCG) solver with modularity and maintainability in mind.


  • Pindakaas

    A library that helps you create state-of-the-art encodings for Boolean satisfiability solvers.

  • MiniZinc Python

    Easily run MiniZinc from Python, with incremental solving and direct data access.

  • Chuffed

    The solver that brought Lazy Clause Generation to the world.